What is business interruption insurance?
If your business suffered an unexpected disruption, such as a fire, flood or storm, or a major supplier closes because of one of these events, how long would it take to get it up and running again? And how much would you lose along the way?
Business interruption insurance can help make sure your business keeps running smoothly after an unexpected event, by covering the turnover that is lost – so you can recover and rebuild.
Who should consider it?
For most business owners, there are ongoing expenses that you need to pay even if you’re not generating any revenue – like staff wages, supplier invoices, rent or loan repayments.
Business interruption insurance can get you through a temporary crisis by protecting your cashflow – so you can pay these expenses and help ensure the future of your business.
Insurance can help your business get back on its feet if things go wrong. You can insure against disasters and for business disruption to cover your losses during the recovery period.
Department of Innovation, Industry and Science, 2018
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